Today is a happy day
Saturday, March 3, 2012 // 0 comment(s)

It's as if we're done with finals. Lol we were so happy today. I still am.

In the morning, we had breakfast at mamak. I had #fail roti telur. Srsly urgh and was super full. Then started MUET test for the reading, writing and listening component. PD108 was like a freezer wtf. So damn cold. Then we continued on with Bio test 1. Dang. Everything lasted till around 2pm. I'm not putting high hopes on my first tests. Sigh.

Then we went for lunch. I had wanton mee and mango sago. So tasty! Or everything just taste better after a super tiring test day. Hahaha. Then went back to my flat. Washed clothes cuz weather too awesome. And napped also cuz weather very awesome by drizzling. Woke up 3 hours later when a friend called or else I'd miss another friend's text saying to go for dinner. Lol.

We went to Food Foundry and had cakes for dinner ._. I know right. I wasn't hungry cuz I just had lunch at 3pm. We sat there for 3 hours lmao. Too bored and it was windy :D

I'm doing eye mask now. While watching dramas. I gonna enjoy tonight. Woots.

 Hahahahha Vivian Tsai. Candid. The mango sago looks awesome right? Yums.

Goodnight. Gotta get back to my dramas.


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