Thursday, December 25, 2008 //
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oooh. today is coming to an end.
"look. we're playing Uno on Christmas."
"yeah. how Christmassy."
so. sorry. 2nd post.
we watched Yes Man last night. before that, we ate at Black Canyon. and i love the ChickenHamSauceSpaghetti. OISHIIII.
and Yes Man was hilarious. i cant stop laughing. oh and. those fellas behind me were worse. they laughed and laughed AND laughed. annoying shit. nothing funny also wanna make noise. and yeah, it was good. he was umm, FUNNY. Jim Carrey.
and. my upstairs piano is fixed. its the kind they use for exams. so the sound is kinda different from mine initially. the previous owner of our house left it for us. it needed tuning. so after tuning it, it was usable. at first, it wasn't. =) so now we can practise upstairs. but i prefer the downstairs one.
LEE HOM WAS IN 100% ENTERTAINMENT. and i finally find him yeng. lol. he's really cool. with his abc accent and all. darn cute. =)
so. lol. nights. gotta go play Uno. =))
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