Experimenting with photo apps
Monday, July 2, 2012 // 0 comment(s)

If you don't wanna see my face, you don't have to, hahaha.

My spur of the moment to download 10 thousand photo apps and play around with them.

And if you notice, I can only take decent pictures from the right of my face. My left face sucks. There's my fringe and 10 thousand moles  on the left side of my face OTL

This is me and my rare moments of silly faces. These are already quite silly to me if they're not to you ._. Taken using Multi-lens Camera.
 These are taken using Pudding Camera. So cutie.

This is taken using Instagram. Outfit of the day.

Oh and then I wanted to post so many pics on Instagram and twitter but I was scared people just judge and not want to see my face, so I combined the pictures and forced everyone to see my face, 4 at once. Bwahaha. This is combined using Photo Grid :D Not bad what.

This is taken using Little Photo. White Shine and BW Smooth filter.

Act emo pic. Accidentally looked emo and snapped it. Didn't mean to take this initially lol.

Edited using Fotolr PS vignette mode. I think. Lol forgot.

Okay, I'm also gonna puke looking at so many big-ass pictures of my face HAHA.

so many nights I wonder why, what can I do to make it right

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