Sunday, April 1, 2012 // 0 comment(s)

Thank you for all the wishes through Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, text message and those who actually wished me face to face haha. THANK YOU A LOT :D

I received super expensive and pretty earrings from my parents which is degraded by my brother who said why would anyone buy such expensive moon-like structure things hahaha. Cash from relatives. A whole surprise birthday cake at midnight from Jue Chuan, Chao, Chong Yao and Germaine, 2 slices of FF cakes from Vivian and Jia Ling. Thanks a lot :D

Went for Ching Beng at Seremban with the family and relatives. Had dinner at Pizza Hut with friends. Yay.

Oh and best birthday present ever: Man City drew with Sunderland lmao! Arsenal lost to QPR goodness gracious. And Liverpool.. /facepalm/

And these are some random Lightbox pics.

 Chinyeh blowing the flute at our Physics exhibition.

Ciao. Gotta stay up the whole night for Physics. Fml.

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